How To Lower Your Estrogen Levels

The following suggestions may assist you in controlling and lowering your estrogen levels without hormone therapy and maintaining your estrogen levels by Avoiding environmental estrogens in personal care products, such as parabens, and losing weight (or, more importantly, body fat).

Reduce your alcohol intake. Consider adding cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli) to your diet. Reduce Harmful Estrogen And Regain Your Alpha Male Edge With DIM 3X™

Estrogens In The Environment:

Avoiding eating meat from animals raised with synthetic hormones is a good place to start. 

Tips for Lowering Estrogen Levels in Men

There is evidence that estrogen absorbs into food through plastic wraps and containers for food. Paraben-containing shampoos and toiletries also contain estrogens. Avoid using these products whenever possible.


Reduce your weight or, more importantly, your body fat. High-fat diets and excess body fat are related to elevated estrogen.


Reducing alcohol consumption and eating more cruciferous vegetables may help boost testosterone production. 

Alcohol affects liver and kidney function, affecting the body’s ability to regulate estrogen. Foods like broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts contain estrogen-regulating compounds.

Consult your physician.

Too much estrogen can be harmful to men, but so can too little testosterone. For example, if your estrogen levels are too low, you’re more likely to develop osteoporosis

The goal of estrogen blockers should never reduce estrogen to an unhealthy level. If you’re worried about your estrogen levels, consult a doctor. They can use blood tests to monitor your hormone levels closely and discuss hormone therapy options with you. 

Hypogonadism is a condition in which men’s testosterone levels fall too low or too quickly and can cause various symptoms, including loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.

Avoiding eating meat from animals raised with synthetic hormones is a good place to start. There is evidence that estrogen absorbs into food through plastic wraps and containers for food. Paraben-containing shampoos and toiletries also contain estrogens.

Lower Your Estrogen Levels

Estrogen is crucial in maintaining the health of men’s joints and brains and also permits proper sperm development. Excess estrogen in the male body can result in gynecomastia (developing female-type breast tissue), strokes, and weight gain. Help men reduce active estrogen with DIM 3X by PrimeGENIX.

How To Lower Your Estrogen Levels
Help Men Reduce Active Estrogen with DIM 3X by PrimeGENIX

PrimeGENIX’s DIM 3X is designed to help men over 40 balance their hormones. It reduces damaging forms of estrogen and supports testosterone production in the body. DIM has improved men’s sexual desire, decreased gynecomastia, and optimized testosterone levels.
