Gaslighting: How To Protect Yourself From It

Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation that seeks to make someone doubt their perception of reality, their memories, and even their sanity. It can occur in personal relationships, the workplace, or any other setting where trust and vulnerability are present. Gaslighting can damage mental health and self-esteem, leaving individuals confused, isolated, and powerless. 

How to Protect Yourself From Gaslighting: Recognizing Manipulation and Taking Control

However, armed with knowledge and understanding, it is possible to protect oneself from this insidious tactic. This blog will explore what gaslighting is and its harmful effects, exploring practical steps and examples to safeguard yourself.

1. Recognize the Signs of Gaslighting

If you want to protect yourself from gaslighting, it is essential to recognize its warning signs. Here are some common indicators that suggest you may be experiencing gaslighting:

a. Constant denial and refusal to acknowledge your feelings or experiences.

b. Blatant lies and contradictions about past events or promises.

c. Projection of their shortcomings onto you to shift blame.

d. Undermining your self-confidence and belittling your accomplishments.

e. Isolating you from friends and family, creating dependency.

f. Constantly changing the narrative to confuse and control you.

Example: Let’s say you have a partner who constantly belittles your achievements at work, saying things like, “Your promotion was just luck; you’re not that skilled.” They might also isolate you from your supportive colleagues by making false accusations about their intentions, leaving you isolated and dependent on them for validation.

2. Trust Your Gut Instincts

Gaslighters often exploit self-doubt and insecurities, making it crucial to trust your gut instincts. If something feels off or contradictory, acknowledge your feelings and investigate further. Avoid dismissing your emotions or questioning your intuition, as gaslighters thrive on planting seeds of self-doubt.

Example: Imagine you suspect a coworker is spreading rumors about you. Instead of dismissing your concerns, confront or discuss the issue with someone you trust, seeking an objective perspective.

3. Document Incidents and Maintain Boundaries

Keep a journal of gaslighting incidents, recording each occurrence’s date, time, and context. Documenting the events will help you identify patterns and clarify the manipulative behavior. It is essential to establish clear boundaries with someone who is gaslighting you. Communicate assertively with them about what behaviors you will and will not tolerate.

Example: If a friend continually undermines your decisions and makes you feel inferior, firmly state, “I will not engage in conversations that undermine my self-esteem or belittle my choices.”

4. Seek Supportive Relationships

Develop a support system of friends, family, or colleagues who value your feelings and experiences. Surrounding yourself with people who affirm your reality can counteract the adverse effects of gaslighting and provide a safe space for validation and empathy.

Example: Cultivate friendships with individuals who genuinely listen and validate your emotions, offering constructive advice without undermining your choices.

5. Educate Yourself About Gaslighting

Understanding gaslighting and its psychological impact empowers you to recognize and counteract its effects. Read books or articles or attend workshops to enhance your knowledge and resilience.

Example: Engage in research to learn about common gaslighting tactics, case studies, and recovery strategies. Knowledge is a powerful tool in combating manipulation.

6. Practice Self-Care and Self-Compassion

Engage in regular self-care practices and prioritize your well-being. Nurturing self-compassion strengthens your self-esteem and resists the gaslighter’s attempts to erode your confidence.

Example: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as hobbies, exercise, or spending quality time with loved ones.


Protecting yourself from gaslighting requires self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and assertiveness. Recognizing the signs, trusting your instincts, setting boundaries, seeking support, educating yourself, and practicing self-care are potent steps to maintain your emotional well-being and guard against manipulation. 

By prioritizing your mental health and fostering a supportive environment, you can regain control of your reality and protect yourself from the damaging effects of gaslighting. It’s important to remember that your feelings and experiences are valid. You have every right to maintain your sense of self-worth and authenticity.
