Walking: How I Lost More Than 140 Pounds By Walking

I lost 145 pounds by walking and now feel 15 years younger. “I feel like I can do anything now.” I used to work at a desk job where I sat and took phone orders with no movement required. My life was devoid of any activity. It was too difficult because I was out of shape.

Four years ago, my now-husband proposed to me. We were having a small ceremony, and my gown didn’t fit. I was devastated because I had ordered almost the largest size. “What am I doing? I shouldn’t be upset—this is supposed to be a happy time,” I thought. But I knew I didn’t want to join a gym and feel like everyone was staring at me.

How I Lost More Than 140 Pounds By Walking
Photo by Janine Johnston

The Benefits Of Walking

I’d heard for years that walking was simple and beneficial, and I didn’t think it would hurt me. I could work at my own pace, on my schedule, and from wherever I pleased. At first, I did all my workouts outside. I didn’t care about the weather because I had a goal in mind, and I was going to achieve it. My first route consisted of walking around my block, four blocks to my sister’s house, and eight blocks to the mall.

When my mother-in-law bought me a Fitbit, I became even more active. I was walking farther and began to take part in challenges that would motivate me. “I’m only 2,000 steps behind this person; I’ll go for a little walk and catch them,” I’d think. “If you’re looking for support, motivation, or tips and tricks, that community is a big, happy family.” 

How I Lost More Than 140 Pounds By Walking
Photo by  Janine Johnston

My Walk To Health

I’ve lost 145 pounds in the last four years because I started walking regularly. I now go to the gym five days a week for an hour, and I walk every day, seven days a week. Even if it’s for a stroll around my neighborhood, I find it very relaxing to go. It’s almost meditative because it gives me peace as if nothing else matters. I only had that kind of outlet once I started walking.

People in my life have also begun to walk more. Every day, my daughter and I walk home from school. My parents and a friend have all received Fitbits from me because they have expressed a desire to walk more. Doing challenges with them is a gentle prod. They’ve mentioned how much more active they are now, even if it’s just to keep up with each other; they get out and walk.

Video: An Old Japanese Find Burns 54 Lbs. of Fat (Drink Daily Before 10am)
Video: An Old Japanese Find Burns 54 Lbs. of Fat (Drink Daily Before 10am)

I like to check in on how they’re doing, and it feels excellent to motivate someone else. My mother-in-law always calls me, saying, “You know, I’m only 3,000 steps behind you.” I’m going for a walk tonight. “Good for her,” I say, “it’s good for us all to have some healthy competition.”

Walking has allowed me to control my health, making me a happier, more outgoing person who is more willing to try new things. I feel 15 years younger than I did 15 years ago. I can do anything now.
