The Best 8 Ways to Reduce My Belly Fat

What’s the best way to reduce my belly fat? Not just your belly that counts when you lose fat; you’ll lose it wherever it sits on your body, including your chest, waist, thigh, arms, etc. The result is years of experience and a lot of failures!

Losing fat is hard, and there are many myths surrounding it. In my own experience, I have tried many things and failed. I have taken the time to research and find out what works. No theory, just real-life strategies that work. I will follow these guidelines.

Here Are 8 Strategies You Can Follow:

1. Take At Least 20 Minutes To Eat Your Meal.

Do this! If you do nothing else from this list, you should! Why is this important? When you begin eating, your body takes about 20 minutes to tell your brain you’re full. 

Once that message has been sent, you no longer want to eat. Our meals are usually not that long-lasting, so we tend to overeat because we eat fast.

So, slow down. Here are some ideas:

  • Put down your fork or spoon after every bite.
  •  Chew your food at least 20 times.
  •  Refrain from eating while watching TV since you will not pay attention to how fast you eat.
  •  Set a timer for 20 minutes.

2. Fill Half Your Plate With Veggies.

The rule is simple. Fill half your plate with vegetables every time you sit down to eat. Which one? You can do anything, as long as you like it. The only exception is the potato family since they tend to be high in carbs. Any other vegetables are fine.

You will get a lot of nutrients from this strategy. Maintain your full-body metabolism because it contains water and fiber. Slow down your meal since veggies require a lot of chewing.

Here’s a visual to help:

The best 8 way to reduce my belly fat

3. Eat Vegetables First, Then Carbs.

Put veggies on your plate first, then protein. Your last thing on your plate should be a carb (such as rice, roti, tortilla, pita bread, etc.). Why does this work? Because you are putting the most nutritious foods first and leaving the worst for last. 

Remember that carbs aren’t bad, but we tend to overeat them without enough protein, veggies, and fruits. We can fix this by following this strategy.

It’s okay if you skip carbs occasionally. It is not a recommendation to go zero-carb or very low-carb but to go low-carbon compared to where most people are today—which is very high-carb.

4. Before Eating, Drink A Glass Of Water.

It is a great tactic to use before each meal. By doing so, you will feel full before you begin to eat. Therefore, you will not have to starve and choose silly food when you eat.

You will make better decisions and not have to stuff yourself. No, it will not dilute stomach acid. Acid levels in your stomach require more than 20 liters of water to dilute stomach acid to a point where it interferes with digestion.

Watch Video: Ancient Japanese Discovery Melts 54 LBS Of Fat
(Drink Daily Before 10am)
Watch Video: Ancient Japanese Discovery Melts 54 LBS Of Fat
(Drink Daily Before 10am)

5. Do 45 Minutes Of Exercise A Day.

No matter what it is, pick something you enjoy and will do regularly. If you choose something as a punishment, it can backfire. You will then eat more than you need to reward yourself for it.

Healthy living requires regular outdoor activity (preferably outdoors). Remember that fat loss is mostly about food; expect nothing more than exercise alone.

However, it does help, and doing it all the time will always benefit you. Even walking is fine. There is no need for a gym membership.

Also, many people think stomach crunches reduce belly fat. The body does not work that way. The fat goes away in sheets (or layers) whenever you lose fat on your body.

Therefore, you can target specific body parts. Keep your exercise intensity mild to moderate, which makes you sweat and leaves you a little out of breath.

6. Get At Least 7 Hours Of Sleep Per Day.

It is the most underrated aspect of fat loss; when you don’t get enough sleep, your body stores fat, which is not what you want!

It’s about burning fat. It would help if you didn’t let your body stress you to do that. It is stressful when you don’t get enough sleep.

Don’t stress your body, and sleep more. It recommends that adults work for 7 hours or more every day. You must catch up over the weekend; consistency is key.

Take naps if you do not get enough sleep at night.

7. Eat Fruit, Don’t Drink It (e.g., No Juice).

Juices contain a lot of sugar, so avoiding them is best. For example, a glass of orange juice contains 4 to 6 oranges. You can drink that juice in two minutes. I have 4-6 oranges in one sitting, but not!

Since fruits are rich in fiber, it is challenging to consume too much. Nature can keep you in check by keeping you in balance. You lose the thread, mainly sugar, and water, as long as you juice it.

So you can consume too many calories very quickly and overdo it. It would help if you avoided juices—have the fruit instead.

What's the best way to reduce my belly fat

(8) Avoid Eating Anything From A Packet Or Box (For Example, No Processed Foods).

Processed foods aren’t very good for you. There are many ingredients added to them. 

There are two reasons for this:

  • To make the food last and last.
  •  Trying to get your brain to want more (remember “no one can eat only one”?)

These foods contain a particular mix of salt, sugar, and fat that tricks your brain into wanting more, which is like an addiction. 

Those flavors are developed in laboratories by scientists. Is that what you want to eat? 

You have to be smart about such foods and don’t eat them. Your body will appreciate you.

How NOT To Lose My Belly Fat?

  • Do not depend on yourself with too much exercise (a bad stress response).
  •  Lemon water, teas, and detox diets are magic fixes.
  •  Random supplements
  •  Diets on the internet
  •  Ignore food quality by counting calories.
  •  You’re starving.
  •  Overworking yourself with too much exercise (an inadequate stress response)

I hope they help you with your weight loss goals and improve your health.
