How To Apply For A Travel Visa Online And Get Approved

If you want to travel outside your country, you need a travel visa first. This article will explain how to apply for a travel visa and get it approved. I’m not new to visa applications.

I understand the difficulty of applying for visas since I have to do so nearly every time I leave my home country. Being born in a third-world country with a passport is one of its many disadvantages.

For example, application processes and interviews would always be particularly rigorous for us. Not only because of our country’s “poor” standing but also because of the unfortunate records others have set for us.

Despite any horror stories you may have heard, seen, or read, it is still possible to obtain a visa. Don’t be fooled. Despite the difficulties and odds, this third-world citizen has visited over 60 countries on every continent!

Sure, it’s difficult, but is it impossible? Not. I’ll share my top travel visa application tips with you in this article.

DISCLAIMER: I don't guarantee that following the advice in this post will get you approved for a visa. No one, not even a lawyer, consultant, travel agent, or embassy employee, can give you a 100% guarantee. Even if you have a friend with the same income who has obtained a visa, this does not guarantee that you will receive it. Each consulate takes into account some factors. As a result, your friend's or another person's situation will not always be the same as yours.

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What can I offer you in this article without the removal guarantee?

Helpful hints to get your travel Visa approved

Applying for a visa is like dating. Put your best foot forward and consider everything. I am your best friend and knowledgeable, helping you through this ordeal with a wide range of visa application tips.

My visa experiences, as well as my research, helped me learn these lessons. In that case, without further ado, here are my top visa application tips. Including the top four things, consulates or embassies pay close attention to during application. Each section includes the steps or workarounds that have proven effective.

Documents that are correct, complete, and genuine

➤ Complete The Requirements: This is an obvious tip for visa applicants, but some people seem to believe skipping a few documents isn’t acceptable – and it will never be. It is always best to submit all the documents at once. Most embassies will not accept your application if it is incomplete. At the very least, you should avoid wasting your time and effort. Additionally, keep in mind that appointments are frequently challenging to obtain.

TIP: Check if your passport is about to expire. Furthermore, submit all documents in an orderly fashion. It would be best if you also gave the embassy a quick overview so that you have prepared everything necessary (at times, this can be helpful for the amba). 

➤ Remember The Details: Most embassies will not require an interview since they rely solely on your documentation. Due to the nature of the process, they usually provide detailed instructions. One of my top tips for visa applications is always to pay attention to their requirements.

For Instance: They may require you to use a type of envelope. Staple your photo to the application form rather than pasting it, or write with blue ink. These steps may appear ridiculous or tedious, but you must complete them; do not slack off or rebel. 

Read carefully the guidelines, which are generally available on the Embassy’s website.

➤ Submit Only Authenticated Documents: Do not consider submitting forged or doctored/done documents. In the end, there is a good chance that you will not only be denied but also banned.

➤ Provide As Much Evidence As Possible: One proof is good enough, but if you can provide more, that is even better! They will be able to feel more confident about the authenticity or genuineness of the documents they are trying to prove. Indeed, overdelivering is always good if the submitted items are relevant. And, of course, providing originals is always preferable!

➤ Display Your ‘Well-Traveled’ Status: It could be in the form of travel tickets, bookings, or passport stamps. Even if it’s not a requirement, showing them this shows you have traveled before, that you have always returned, and that you never overstayed abroad.

Travel Visa Interview

Your interview may have an impact on the documents you submit. You do not need to worry if you submit genuine documents. Since the simple questions are: what is your purpose for visiting, how long do you intend to stay, etc.?

Even though the visa officer may be more thorough with the questions based on your answers, they mainly concern your background. One of my top visa application tips is honesty and precision. 

Give them what they want. Stay away from a storytelling binge. You don’t need to provide the information they don’t request. It’s unlikely that the officers will care about your story, no matter how sad or tragic. 

Also, dress nicely (no need to be too formal). You should arrive early, be confident, and speak English (or, if you prefer, in your native language, unless the Embassy prohibits it).

Do I need to purchase travel insurance?

It is not something you should avoid; most embassies will require it. To obtain travel insurance, I highly recommend WorldNomads because they offer the best price and coverage (they also cover all countries worldwide!). You should check with another reputable provider, especially since they have great travel plans for frequent travelers and digital nomads.

The True & Reasonable Purpose of Entry

True purpose. Apply for the required Visa. Make sure you read all of the Embassy’s information and processes to ensure you have the correct type of travel visa. You might also call the Embassy if you need clarification. You can save time by avoiding specific requirements if you need to prepare a tourist visa.

For example, a “visit a friend” visa category can often be more specific.

Remember, don’t go for a tourist visa if you are going to work abroad, do not be one of those who violate visa rules and conditions. It would cast your country’s citizens in the same negative light. You are neither helping others nor yourself.

Your good purpose for applying for a Travel Visa

How To Apply For A Travel Visa Online And Get Approved

If you’re applying for a tourist visa, this shouldn’t be a problem; after all, you wouldn’t visit a foreign country for any reason other than tourism, to be specific. Please provide them with your itinerary, the places you want to see, and the experiences you want them to have.

The same applies to work, study, fiance, or marriage visas, as they are self-explanatory. For example, work because your company is sending you there to work. Or schooling because the university in that country has outstanding programs, and so on.

When applying for a visa to visit a friend or family member, embassies usually need a compelling reason for your visit. The first visit is typically fine; you and your host must have a compelling reason to return. Since seeing a friend or family member is already a valid reason.

It is also true if you plan on applying for a second tourist visa to the same country, and so on. However, there can be differences here: some people can quickly obtain a permit after moving to the United States, while others cannot. It’s always case-by-case. 

You may wonder, “What are some strong reasons?” It is all about having significant or sensible events. Let’s say you’ve been to Belgium before but want to return because you want to see Tomorrowland. Provide them with the tickets and your reason for wanting to see them (it happens just once a year anyway).

You may have a blog and want to promote the country even more. Also, you could take a gap year before starting your career. Make sure to mention birthday, wedding, or reunion events when visiting friends or family. At the same time, remember to describe your relationship with your host. 

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Make sure you have a valid reason or stick to your original intention-the majority of the time, your situation (or combination) will suffice.

Tips. One of my top visa application tips is never to hint that you intend to stay longer than necessary since this will violate the 4th section below. If you hold a student visa, do not stress your desire to return to your home country after your final degree.

Refrain from casually mentioning that their country has a perfect education system that you find fascinating. That might inadvertently hint to the embassy officer that you want to study there – this is an example.

However, I’m confident you won’t say such things if you follow what I told you in the first paragraph, which is to be concise in your responses. More or less, switching.

Sufficient Funds Or Assistance.

You want to convince every Embassy that you have enough money to support yourself. If you do, they will be confident about how you will fund your stay. Even question your purpose for visiting their country.

As a general rule for travel visa application guidance,
Travel Visa Guide

As a general rule for travel visa application guidance,

Here are some methods for demonstrating your financial stability:

➤ For employed people: Your employment already demonstrates that you are solvent and have a job to return to (confirming the 4th section below). Usually, they expect you to provide all the following:

↳ A COE-Certificate of Employment. Or proof of employment with your position, years of service, and salary.

↳ The most recent pay stubs (often for the past three months)

↳ The previous year’s Income Tax Return (ITR) or any tax document).

➤ For self-employed people only: If you have a business, they must know if it is established and reputable. They also need to know that you have enough money. As a result, providing:

↳ Copy of official business registration and permit.

↳ You can present payment certificates and, or tax returns.

↳ Bank statements or books for the company and financial reports for the previous three months.

↳ Copies of personal credit cards and bank certificates. Or bank statements from the last three months.

↳ Evidence of investments or financial assets.

➤ For retirees people: Ensure that you keep relevant documents. In case you continue to run your own business after retiring. Refer to the self-employed section above.

↳ Evidence of investments or financial assets.

↳ Copy of your receipts or pension papers, etc.

↳ Certifications from a competent authority. Specify the length of time and retirement date.

➤ Students and minors: Depending on whether your parents, school, or both sponsor you.

↳ Sponsored documents. Such as a letter from parents or legal guardians and proof of solvency (employed, self-employed, unemployed, or retired).

↳ You must provide a statement from your institution or school. Confirming your enrollment and leave of absence must include the scholarship amount, term, and expenses.

Unemployed Travel Visa Tips

➤ Unemployed Person: provide as much proof as you can, submit:

↳ An indication of financial assets.

↳ Copy of personal credit cards. Bank certificates or bank statements/books from the last three months.

↳ Copy of sponsorship letter and proof of solvency.


The requirements for employed and self-employed individuals apply to freelancers also depending on your circumstances. You may need to provide evidence of employment as well as the registry of your business.

Nevertheless, relying on something other than this list, always double-check with your Embassy. Since there may be items, they are seeking from you that I still need to list. The documents I have mentioned earlier are usually the standard documents required.


Adding a sponsor to your visa application will strengthen your case if you believe your financial situation is in trouble. Sponsors are typically close family members, blood relatives, friends, or spouses.

Therefore, you must adequately demonstrate your relationship with your sponsors and why they support you. You also need to prove that you have the money required for the trip. Immigration officials can verify this before you enter the country (they have the right to request proof of cash on hand, credit card, bank statement, etc.).

What is the bare minimum I must have in my bank account?

I cannot provide a concrete response to this question because each country has minimal standards depending on how long you plan to stay. I advise contacting the Embassy or searching the website for any pertinent information.

According to my experience with Schengen Visas, most countries require you to present evidence that you have EUR 50 per day during your stay.

The absolute minimum is this. That is why I advise you to increase the amount of money you put in significantly. Keep in mind this if you are sending bank statements from a new account that has only recently been “fed” with funds.

In bank statements or certificates, there is something referred to as ADB or Average Daily Balance. Or something similar to a balanced history that will show the status of your bank account. (which most embassies may assume isn’t your money but something you may have borrowed to prove a false financial standing).

Meanwhile, diplomatic missions would likely require a hotel reservation as an additional way of showing your ability to support yourself. Alternatively, you can make a reservation directly with the hotel or an online booking through or a travel agency, which is usually possible. 

NOTE: On, you will find hotels that allow cancellations without deposit or reservations.

However, suppose you wish to stay at a friend’s, partner’s, or family member’s house. In that case, the Embassy will need information on your host, including their ID cards, evidence of residency, and documentation of your relationship. All these items are simple to arrange.

Evidence of Not Overstaying

The embassies tend to focus on this area because they want to ensure you are deeply connected to your home country and will return there after your visit. They want you not to seek ways to immigrate without following the proper channels in your own country or procedures to extend your stay (illegally).

What are some instances of “strong ties”?

These vary from nation to nation; they will consider your circumstances, travel plans, financial resources, and ties that guarantee your departure after the visitation period. Additionally, ensure that you have issued the evidence you have already listed in the sections above.

➤ Those Are Employed:

↳ An employer issued a certificate of employment or a leave of absence.

↳ I want a letter outlining any other defenses you have for not overstaying.

➤ For Self-Employed:

↳ Name an occasion that would make your return necessary (a board meeting, company event, etc.).

↳ Register your business.

↳ A statement proves ownership of real and personal property (real estate, etc.).

↳ I want a letter outlining any other defenses you have for not overstaying.

➤ For retirees:

↳ Evidence of real estate ownership and personal property (real estate, etc.).

↳ You should write a letter outlining any additional reasons you should not overstay.

➤ For Minors or Students:

↳ A confirmation of enrollment in school

↳ Leave of absence authorization

↳ A letter signed by you and your parents or guardians stating your intention not to overstay (explaining your family situation, long-term plans in your home country, etc.)

For Unemployed People:

➤ As an option For Unemployed People:

↳ A statement proving ownership of real and personal property (real estate, etc.)

↳ A letter indicating a job offer, if any, with the understanding that you will begin work after your trip.

↳ A letter declares the start of your studies, if applicable (a certificate indicating your enrollment in a school where you will begin studying after your departure).

↳ You must provide supporting documents for each claim, including any other justification you may have for not overstaying your welcome.


Please keep in mind that these are not absolutes. It is better to have one proof than you do; however, as is customary, it is better not to overdeliver on evidence. If you want to prove your situation, you can always ask the Embassy for additional documents.

The fact that some visa procedures require a round-trip ticket proves that you will stay within your budget. Still, I recommend you provide additional evidence since tickets are the most basic affirmation.

Most embassies today do not require round-trip tickets to be booked and presented before or during the application process. A flight reservation or itinerary should suffice if you absolutely must show tickets.

Skyscanner is my favorite platform to find flight deals since it always displays the best deals across all existing airlines worldwide.

Tip: Your passport stamps also help to prove that you are not an overstayer. Please bring a copy of the page in your passport and any previous visas to the Embassy.

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Other FAQs (frequently asked questions)

What are questions commonly asked during a travel visa interview?

There is no need to be concerned! The questions are always basic: why are you visiting, how long do you plan to stay, and so on. The visa officer may take the time to answer your questions based on your responses, but most questions are about your background.

Be honest and precise, merely answering what they are asking you. Stay away from a storytelling binge. You don’t need to provide the information they don’t ask you. Besides, no matter how sad or tragic your story is, the officers are unlikely to be interested. They are always concerned with the facts about you and your trip.

What do visa officers typically look for in your application?

They also validate your identity. Go over any past trip records, look over any evidence of future travel, and conduct other security checks in addition to checking the validity of your documents. Visa officers are looking to verify that the information you have provided about yourself is accurate and what you intend to experience.

Is it possible to reapply for a travel visa after being denied?

Yes, you can reapply for a visa after your initial decline. Some embassies require a “break time” period before reapplying, while others allow you to use it at any time.

However, you must understand why you declined in the first place. Most embassies will indicate their refusal, so when you apply again, ensure you have provided additional information and documents.

What is the bare minimum I should have in my bank account?

Every country has its minimum requirements, which depend on how long you stay. Therefore, I recommend you contact the Embassy or check their website for any relevant information.

For example, most member countries require you to show that you have EUR 50 per day for your stay. It is the absolute bare minimum. That is why I recommend adding a lot more money to it. Be wary of bank statements from a new bank account that has recently been “fed” with cash.

Bank statements or certificates indicate how your bank account is. (which most embassies might assume is not your money and something you have just borrowed to prove your false financial standing).

Is it necessary for me to provide travel insurance?

I recommend purchasing travel insurance. Most embassies will require it. I highly recommend WorldNomads for the best travel insurance because they offer the best price and coverage (they also cover all countries worldwide!). 

Suppose you double-check this with another reputable provider. In that case, I recommend SafetyWing, especially since they offer more affordable plans for frequent travelers or digital nomads.

Tip: Compare prices with other popular travel insurance providers such as World Nomads or HeyMondo. However, remember that a travel insurance company’s affordability usually means less coverage. So read the fine print carefully to determine which travel insurance agency best fits you and your trip.


I hope these travel visa application tips are helpful to you! Best of luck! Even with these tips, always double-check with your Embassy first. Please direct any clarifications or follow-ups to the embassy office rather than mine since they will always have more knowledge of your situation than I do. Again, this is just a guide for you.
